Fast Facts
Our Students
Student Body
Number of states, districts, and territories represented by our students
Number of countries represented by our students
58% White
17% International
10% Hispanic or Latinx
5% Black or African American
5% Asian American
4% Two or more races
1% Unknown
Less than 1% American Indian or Alaskan Native
18% First-Generation College Students
16% Qualify for Federal Pell Grant
- Percentages listed are out of the total on-campus students only
- Pell and first-generation status are both determined based on information collected in students' first-year at F&M
- Countries represented count is based on International Students' citizenship
- States, Districts & Territories count is based on Domestic Students' residence
A Launchpad for Success
F&M is committed to your success even before you step foot on our campus as a first-year student — and that commitment extends well into the years after you graduate. Did you know that 93% of the Class of 2023 were either employed or pursuing further education within 6 months of graduating? That's the value of an F&M education.
how we do it »The Educational Experience
A 9:1 Student-Faculty Ratio
We're committed to a teaching and learning environment where faculty know every student by name, and no voice goes unheard.
18 Students in the Average Class
Our classes are built small so that students and professors can engage in dialogue. It's a hands-on learning model that instills in our students the abilities to articulate ideas and respectfcully debate opposing points of view.
51% Faculty-Student Collaboration Rate
So much of a liberal arts education takes place outside of the classroom — by design. At F&M, 1 out of every 2 students collaborate with professors on research or guided learning by the time they graduate.
Global Citizens
170 International Programs
Our students know that the best way to build the skills they need to succeed in an increasingly global community is to go beyond their borders and explore new corners of the world. We offer more than 170 programs in 45 countries for students looking to study abroad.
Historically, 45-50% of Students Study Abroad
It's not uncommon for F&M students to complete a semester and a summer (or two!) studying off campus, honing foreign language skills, conducting research, completing immersive internships, or taking courses that add richness to the F&M curriculum.
Clubs, Activities & Athletics
118 Student Clubs and Organizations
If there is something that moves you, chances are good that you'll find it at F&M. Our entrepreneurial students are in charge of over 100 clubs, organizations and club sports. And if you get to campus and don't find the club you are looking for, you are welcome to create it with the help of F&M and your friends.
28 Varsity Athletic Teams
F&M offers 28 varsity sports, which is the largest offering among Centennial Conference schools. Approximately 32% of our students are Division III athletes (or in the case of Wrestling, Division I). We understand that athletics are an integral part of the student experience, and at F&M, our coaches are committed not only to success on the field and court, but they also will help you develop vital leadership skills.
F&M at a Glance
Founded more than two centuries ago in Lancaster, Pa., we are a highly selective top-50
liberal arts college that welcomes applications from students of any race, color,
or national or ethnic origin. Our 220-acre campus is adjacent to a thriving small
city of 60,000 residents. We are just 2.5 hours away from major metropolitan centers
New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Washington, D.C.
Founded: 1787 as Franklin College (would later merge with Â鶹´«Ã½É«ÇéƬ to form Franklin
& Marshall)
Institution type: Liberal arts college, coeducational
Location: Lancaster, Pennsylvania; City setting, population 60,000 (the City of Lancaster is the hub of a county of more than half a million people)
Nearest major cities: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Baltimore, Maryland; and New York City, New York, all easily accessible by train, and all of which have major commercial airports
Enrollment: 1,973 undergraduates (includes students studying off-campus)
Demographics: 47% identify as male, 53% identify as female
Academic calendar: Semesters (two, 15-week terms)
Fields of Study: 58
Degree awarded: Bachelor of Arts
Student/faculty ratio: 9:1
Average class size: 18
States/Districts/Territories Represented: 43
Countries Represented: 50
First-to-Second Year Retention Rate: 85% (Incoming 2022)
4-Year Graduation Rate: 72% (Incoming 2019)
6-Year Graduation Rate: 86% (Incoming 2017)
Campus: 220 acres. F&M also has a campus in Bath, England, for its first-year iF&M program and Advanced Study in England program. The College also maintains a nature conservancy and communal gardens on nearby Baker Campus.
Accreditation: Accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education